Charm to make the fields fertile

27th March 2024:

In this session we tackled the Old English ritual known as Æcerbot (‘Field Remedy’), which was supposed to heal fields that were barren, perhaps as a result of witchcraft! We looked at one of the Old English metrical charms contained in the ritual, and experimented with different ways of whispering, reciting, and chanting it. The session includes an interview with Debby Banham on this fabulous text.


Full session, for anyone who’d like to catch up:

Further listening and reading

From the Song Hunters…

Teresa made a link between the recitation of incantations and the amazing Sami ‘yoik’/’joik’ singing tradition, sharing this album: Folk Voices – Finnish Folk Song Through the Ages (Ondine, 1999). On the content, she notes:

  • at 2:15 (track 1) call & response chant
  • 3:40 (track 2) I think this is a yoik about stalking elk
  • 11:32 (track 5) herding calls for cows
  • 14:08 (track 6) Tulen synty -loitsu (a spell for starting/birthing a fire) parts are sotto voce, and others could probably be heard across the whole landscape!

And here’s a link to the pertinent Wikipedia article.

Thanks Teresa!

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