Winter Solstice Songs with Stef


5:00 PM

An online singing workshop inspired by early medieval music and Tolkien's favourite Old English poem, suitable for all ages/abilities, and free to attend.

Join Stef on Zoom to sing a selection of early medieval music and text, including some of J. R. R. Tolkien’s elvish inspiration, to celebrate the Winter Solstice. All are welcome and no prior musical experience is necessary. As is usual on Zoom, all participants will be muted, harmonising with Stef in real-time. So you can sing your heart out in the privacy of your own home, or even just listen – there is just as much to enjoy as a spectator as there is as a participant.

Music will include the Advent Antiphon for 21st December, O Oriens, which offers a rare opportunity to read medieval chant from neumes in an accessible and light-hearted setting. This is followed by Cynewulf’s Old English translation of the same text, the ‘Eala Earendel’ verse, from Cynewulf’s Crist poem – one of J. R. R. Tolkien’s most potent sources of inspiration. Everything will be taught during the session and no advance preparation is needed.

To register, all you have to do is sign up for Stef’s mailing list! Easy! Zoom links and a handout will go out to mailing list subscribers the weekend before the event. You can unsubscribe afterwards if you like to keep your inbox pristine 😉.


Subscribers (with password) may access the workshop resources and Zoom link HERE.

Venue Details